Magdalena Werne, M.A., AMFT, APCC
Meridian Counseling Therapist and Counselor
Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #137357
Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #13168
Supervised by Keith Parker, M.A., LMFT #39058

"We often find that the harder we try to get rid of
emotions and thoughts, the stronger they become."
— No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz
Therapy Services
Telehealth Therapy

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy sessions are a sacred time and space to heal psychological pain. The client and therapist come together, and with the compassionate presence of the therapist, the client begins digging through the debris of the storm, unraveling, observing, accepting, and grieving the chaotic outcome. Everyone has a different amount of time to dig. Eventually, the client may come to understand the storm that took or is taking place. Understanding may create knowing and knowing may create realizations and meanings of chaos. Less fear may be experienced for once, leading to a more satisfying life.

Couples Therapy
Living a satisfying life as a couple has multiple health and life benefits. Living a disagreeable life as a couple may have several health and life hindrances. During couples therapy, while listening as a therapist, finding the in-between of what is communicated is imperative for treatment. Providing concepts and tools of the Gottman Method Approach and recognizing family stressors and intergenerational traumas are considered for therapy treatment plans to increase relational satisfaction.

Family Therapy
The family is a system that, during external or internal distress, may try all sorts of maladaptive behaviors to stay together, which may cause eventual separations or enmeshment. Due to generational familial survival stressors, boundaries may become blurred over time, displays of parental attunement lowered, physical and emotional abuses occurring, and so on, resulting in distress and symptoms such as anxiety to bounce from one family member to the next. Family therapy provides the chance to recognize the 'normal chaos,' break negative generational cycles, and create positive change for future generations.